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Donuts/Donuts on Airfyer

Photo of the Donuts/Donuts on Airfyer – recipe of Donuts/Donuts on Airfyer on DeliRec
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Donuts/Donuts on Airfyer


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


9 servings

Mabel Beatriz

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat Flour280 g
  • Sugar40 g
  • Warm milk120 ml
  • Melted butter40 g
  • Salt1 coffee spoon
  • Dry yeast5 g
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Lemon/Orange Zest or Vanilla Essence to taste
  1. Activate the yeast by diluting it in a little warm milk and add 1 tablespoon of the total sugar; mix well and leave covered for 20’ (until it foams well)
  2. In a bowl mix the flour; the salt; and the rest of the sugar. Melt the butter in the microwave (20 sec)
  3. Make a hole in the middle of the flour and add the yeast; the egg; the zest or essence; the butter and the rest of the milk (leave a little unintegrated) Keep mixing with a spoon until you can't do it anymore and then continue with your hands. If you see that there is dry flour, add a little milk. And continues integrating (squeezing). Place each one lightly floured on a bench and knead until it forms a smooth ball (at least 10’) The dough is half sticky; don't throw too much flour if it won't be dry.
  4. Cover the bowls (best plastic film) and let it rest until it grows
  5. About that; cut squares of parchment paper (larger than the size your donuts will be. Photo)
  6. Stretch the dough with a rolling pin and a cutter and a soda cap; cut the donuts and their center. Place them in squares and these on a plate or baking sheet. Cover and let rest until they rise.
  7. Warm up your Airfryer; and carefully take the papers by the edges and arrange the donuts inside the basket. Don't fill too many so that air can circulate well.
  8. Adjust the temperature to 180° for 10’, turning with 3’ left of the time. Or when you see that they have browned. Keep an eye on each apparatus can brown before.
  9. Take it off and take another take. After they are cold, you can prepare a icing and pass them around; you can melt chocolate and bathe them or simply sprinkle with glass/icing sugar like I did
  10. They look like fries but much healthier 🍩😉

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