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Danete chocolate cream

Photo of the Danete chocolate cream – recipe of Danete chocolate cream on DeliRec
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Danete chocolate cream


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


5 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Canned cream2 unit(s)
  • Milk chocolate100 g
  • Semisweet Chocolate100 g
  • Butter1 tablespoon
  • Cognac or Amarula1 tablespoon
  1. Melt the chocolates can melt them together
  2. Wait for the chocolate to freeze and mix it with the cold cream without whey
  3. Add the butter and brandy and mix with a mixer
  4. Take to a platter and freeze and decorate with chocolate shavings

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Chocolate Cream Recipe by DeliRec

The recipe for how to make homemade chocolate danette is very practical to prepare and quite versatile, it is not too sweet, which makes it a perfect option for those who enjoy a sweet treat and at the same time like the right amount of sugar. Unlike many ideas that we present here on our platform, this is a DeliRec creation.

We always seek to bring a variety of recipes to our users and culinary lovers through our talented chefs, but we also have tips and dishes of our own to share with you and increase your meal options on a daily basis, whether for snacks, lunch, dinner or dessert, like this chocolate cream and a divine prestige bonbon.

If you enjoy gastronomy, enjoy cooking and learning new recipes, from the most complex to the most simple, this is the right place to expand your horizons in the kitchen! We also have an application where you can follow everything with just a few clicks and not miss any news.

Homemade Danette is the perfect dessert recipe to receive at home!

The chocolate danette is that kind of candy that brings back childhood memories for many people and still pleases children today, it will be perfect to be able to make it at home and even share it with loved ones, mainly because of its versatility!

You can serve it alone as a dessert, but also increase it and let your creativity emerge in the kitchen. Put chocolate shavings as suggested above, chop fruit and serve together, use as a frosting or filling for cakes and cupcakes, add cookies and other items and make it a delicious pie. What's not missing are combinations for this candy!

The preparation is very easy, so you won't need to spend a long time in the kitchen instead of enjoying the company of visitors, even if you are going to prepare it when they are already at your house and it can become a fun and pleasant time for the family to prepare this recipe together .

Another advantage of this chocolate cream that looks like a danette is the wonderful texture and the sweet taste in balance, it will not leave anyone with that feeling of having tasted something too cloying and the chances of pleasing everyone are even greater. Even those who don't have the habit of eating sweets will surrender to this dessert!

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