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Creamy chocolate cake (Gâteau au chocolat moelleux)

Photo of the Creamy chocolate cake (Gâteau au chocolat moelleux) – recipe of Creamy chocolate cake (Gâteau au chocolat moelleux) on DeliRec
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Creamy chocolate cake (Gâteau au chocolat moelleux)


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


10 servings

Cíntia Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Dark chocolate200 g
  • Eggs4 unit(s)
  • Flour100 g
  • Confectioners' sugar (icing sugar)140 g
  • Butter140 g
  • Baking powder1 teaspoon
  • Milk (1 cup)250 ml
  • Vanilla Extract to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C and grease a springform pan with butter and flour.
  2. In a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar with a fouet (egg whisk) until you get a white and aerated mass.
  3. Gradually add the flour using a sieve. and continue mixing with the fouet.
  4. Add the vanilla extract, mix and set aside.
  5. In another container, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie along with the butter.
  6. When the chocolate is completely melted, add the milk (at room temperature), little by little, stirring constantly.
  7. Add the melted chocolate to the dough and mix well.
  8. Finally, add the yeast and mix gently.
  9. Pour the cake batter into the pan and bake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes. The shorter baking time ensures that the cake is creamy in the middle.
  10. To see if it's done, insert a toothpick into the dough. If it comes out with the dough still liquid, it's still not good. But if it comes out just a little sticky, indicating that the middle of the cake is wet, it's good!
  11. Serve while still hot (or, if it's already cold by the time you eat it, steal it from the game and give it a little reheat in the microwave!). You can spice it up by sprinkling powdered sugar on top, serving with chocolate syrup and/or a scoop of ice cream.

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