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Creamy Brigadeiro (+ flavors)

Photo of the Creamy Brigadeiro (+ flavors) – recipe of Creamy Brigadeiro (+ flavors) on DeliRec
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Creamy Brigadeiro (+ flavors)


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


100 servings

Dicas da

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Condensed milk1 unit(s)
  • Sour cream1 unit(s)
  • 50% cocoa chocolate2 tablespoon
  1. Off the heat, mix all the ingredients in a pan until the mixture is homogeneous. (I recommend using fuê to make it more practical).
  2. *It is not necessary to use butter because the cream provides the necessary fat for the brigadeiro to be creamy and not sticky.*
  3. Bring the pan to the fire and stir constantly until you can see the bottom of the pan by dragging the spoon or spatula on the bottom of the pan. For the brigadeiro point with a nozzle or spoon, check the point with a spatula or spoon, picking up a little and dropping it on the rest of the pan, if the brigadeiro takes a long time to mix with the rest, it's time to turn off the fire.
  4. Sour cream + condensed milk are base recipes for various sweets, you can add strawberry powder to make the famous "foot bug", you can use nest milk, you can use different flavors and mix creating a duo! Use creativity!

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