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Cornmeal cake with guava jam - YouTube: Nhac GNT - Rita lobo

Photo of the Cornmeal cake with guava jam - YouTube: Nhac GNT - Rita lobo – recipe of Cornmeal cake with guava jam - YouTube: Nhac GNT - Rita lobo on DeliRec
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Cornmeal cake with guava jam - YouTube: Nhac GNT - Rita lobo


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


1 servings

Gabriela Novaes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • **FOR THE JAM:0 l
  • Ripe red guavas (7 guavas)2 kg
  • Crystal sugar1.1/2 cup
  • Water3 cup
  • Cinnamon / Unit: raw1 unit(s)
  • **FOR THE CAKE:0 l
  • Mimoso cornmeal1.1/2 cup
  • Wheat flour1 cup
  • Sugar1.1/2 cup
  • Eggs4 unit(s)
  • Oil1 cup
  • Milk1 cup
  • Baking powder1 tablespoon
  • Fennel seeds1 tablespoon
  • Salt / Unit: Pinch1 unit(s)
  • Butter and wheat flour for greasing and dusting0 to taste
  2. With the vegetable peeler (or a very sharp knife), peel the guavas carefully to keep the fruit shape well rounded.
  3. Cut each guava in half and, with a dessert spoon, remove the core with the seeds - you can reserve this part of the fruit in the fridge and prepare a juice.
  4. In a medium saucepan, mix the water with the sugar. Add the cinnamon stick and place over medium heat. Let it cook without stirring for 5 minutes after boiling, to form a thin syrup.
  5. Dip the guavas in the syrup and wait for it to boil again. Lower the heat and let it cook for 20 minutes - in this time the guavas are soft, absorb the sugar and add flavor to the syrup.
  6. Attention to time: if the guavas are very ripe, let them cook for a shorter time as they can fall apart. To check the point: prick the fruits with a fork, they should be soft, but not falling apart.
  7. Turn off the heat and transfer the guavas with the syrup to a bowl. Allow to cool completely before closing and placing in the fridge. Meanwhile, prepare the cake.
  8. **FOR THE CAKE:
  9. Preheat the oven to 180°C (medium temperature). With a piece of paper towel, grease a cake tin with a hole in the middle (25 cm in diameter) with butter. Sprinkle with flour and shake well to spread. Tap the sink to remove excess.
  10. In a small bowl, break one egg at a time and transfer to the blender - if one is spoiled you won't lose the recipe. Add the oil, sugar and milk. Beat well until smooth, about 5 minutes.
  11. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl. Add the cornmeal and flour, passing through a sieve. With a wire whisk, stir gently after each addition, until the dough is smooth. Finally, mix in the yeast, fennel seeds and salt.
  12. Pour the cake batter into the greased pan and level with a spatula. Place in the oven to bake for about 30 minutes. To know if the cake is baked: stick a toothpick in the dough, if it comes out clean it is a sign that the cake is ready; otherwise, leave it for a few more minutes.
  13. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool for 15 minutes before unmolding. Serve at room temperature with the cold guava jam.
  14. Website: https://youtu.be/lVHpwjkNd3Y

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