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Condensed milk dessert with cashews

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Condensed milk dessert with cashews


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Tempo de preparo

25 min(s)


40 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Peanuts (unsalted and skinless) roasted and ground150 g
  • Sugar1/2 cup
  • Condensed milk1/2 can(s)
  • Chocolate powder (common chocolate if you prefer it sweeter) or (soluble chocolate powder)2 tablespoon
  1. To finish: 1 tablespoon butter for greasing hands 1 cup of granulated sugar or demerara (I prefer demerara) to spread the candy 50 g peanut kernels for garnish
  2. There are some brands of roasted and ground peanuts on the market. If you prefer them, as I do, be careful not to buy salted peanuts.
  3. If you prefer to toast at home, the recipe will take a little longer (1.5 hours). You will need to peel the peanut and peel off the skin. Arrange the beans in a large (rectangular) aluminum shape and toast them for about 30 minutes on high heat.
  4. Then take it to the blender, without liquids and grind them.
  5. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients until the dough is homogeneous and reaches the point of curling.
  6. Grease your hands with butter and shape the sweets to form small cashews.
  7. Pass the sweets in sugar (crystal or demerara) and put a grain to resemble cashew nuts.
  8. Place in molds.

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