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Photo of the Coffee candy – recipe of Coffee candy on DeliRec
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Coffee candy

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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


30 servings

Livia Fernandes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Semisweet Chocolate300 g
  • Canned condensed milk1 unit(s)
  • Nescafe2 tablespoon
  • Butter or margarine1/2 tablespoon
  • Cocoa liqueur or rum2 tablespoon
  1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces and melt in the microwave every 30 seconds until completely melted, temper the chocolate (preparation instructions on my profile in the Easter bonbon recipe)
  2. In a pan put the condensed milk, the butter and leave it on low heat, stir until creamy, dissolve the Nescafe in the liqueur and add it to the cream in the pan, stir until it detaches from the bottom of the pan, set aside and wait for it to cool completely
  3. Put a little bit of chocolate in the candy molds and add the Nescafé cream in the amount you want (I added a little bit in each candy) cover with the chocolate until all the candy molds are complete
  4. Tap the molds on the table to remove the air and take it to the fridge for about 40 minutes or until the bonbons are completely set.
  5. Develop and that's it 🤤 If your molds are bigger, it will yield less chocolates, I used medium-sized molds 😉

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