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Photo of the Coconut candy – recipe of Coconut candy on DeliRec
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Coconut candy


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


1 servings

Natalia Fratuci

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Refined sugar1 kg
  • coconut milk200 ml
  • Water200 ml
  • Margarine or butter1 dessert spoon
  • Vinegar2 tablespoon
  1. Pre-grease the surface where you are going to pour the candy (it must be marble or other stone, as long as it is not porous) with margarine or butter. Use a tall and thick pan preferably. Add all the ingredients and mix before turning on the fire. After turning on the fire you must not stir, as it can sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat until set (approximately 20 minutes) and pour over the greased stone to cool slightly. (The right point is essential for the success of the recipe, the color should be slightly yellowish, and with a clean and dry spoon, remove some of the liquid, pour it into a cup with cold water and mix. It should form a consistent ball. that when hitting the cup, produces glass sound).
  2. Leave the mixture on the stone to cool for a few minutes, until your hands can withstand the heat. Gather the dough with your hands and start pulling, fold it in half and pull again repeating this process until it is whitish in pearly color and quite consistent, so that when you place a piece on the stone, it stays in the shape you want. placed without undoing.
  3. Stretch the dough forming strings and cut with scissors greased with margarine or butter, making them separate from each other. Let it dry for half an hour and place it in a container with a lid or a well-sealed bag so it can rest overnight. The next day the bullet will be ready. Important: it must always be stored in a closed container so that it remains soft, otherwise it will become hard.

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