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Churros domesticated

Photo of the Churros domesticated – recipe of Churros domesticated on DeliRec
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Churros domesticated


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


10 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1/4 cup of water 1 tablespoon of sugar 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1 tablespoon of butter or margarine 1/2 cup of wheat flour 1 unit of egg 1 unit of pastry bag or can be a piping bag sugar with a small hole , oil to taste 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 to taste
  1. STEP 1 In a pan, add the water, 1 level tablespoon of sugar, salt and unsalted butter. Mix until it boils and turn off the heat.
  2. STEP 2 Add the wheat flour, mix well until the raw flour disappears. It is very important to wait for it to stop boiling to add the flour. Then turn on medium heat and let it cook for 3 minutes.
  3. STEP 3 Transfer the dough to a refractory. Open well and place in the freezer for 5 minutes.
  4. STEP 4 With the cold dough, add the egg, mix well until it reaches the ideal point and transfer the dough to a pastry bag.
  5. STEP 5 Grease a shape with oil and place the churros.
  6. STEP 6 In a pan with hot oil, add the churros and fry until golden. Repeat this process until all the dough is used up.
  7. STEP 7 Now on a plate, add ¼ cup of sugar, cinnamon powder and mix everything very well. Dip the churros into the mixture. Repeat this process with all the churros
  8. STEP 8 You can eat it with dulce de leche or with brigadeiro, which is even tastier.

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