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churros brigadeiro

Photo of the churros brigadeiro – recipe of churros brigadeiro on DeliRec
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churros brigadeiro


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


25 servings

Cíntia Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Condensed milk395 ml
  • Butter1 tablespoon
  • Dulce de leche to taste
  • Sugar4 tablespoon
  • Cinnamon powder1 teaspoon
  1. In a deep pan, heat 1 can of condensed milk (395 ml) and butter over medium heat, stirring constantly so it doesn't stick to the bottom.
  2. When it reaches the point of rolling (that is, when it starts to unglue from the pan) transfer to a plate greased with butter.
  3. In another plate, mix the sugar and cinnamon.
  4. With the help of a teaspoon and your hands greased with butter, roll brigadeiro balls, roll in cinnamon sugar and place in the molds.
  5. Place the dulce de leche in a pastry bag fitted with a pitanga nozzle (star). Use the nozzle to make a hole in the center of each brigadier and fill one by one, making this beautiful tip at the end.
  6. It's important to choose a dulce de leche with a reasonably firm consistency for this finish, so it doesn't run and lose its shape. If your dulce de leche is too liquid, you can thicken it over the fire (put it in a pan and boil until the water evaporates a little and reaches the desired consistency).
  7. Store in the fridge before serving to preserve the dulce de leche shape until party time!

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