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chocolates for easter

Photo of the chocolates for easter – recipe of chocolates for easter on DeliRec
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chocolates for easter

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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


24 servings

Livia Fernandes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Milk or semisweet chocolate250 g
  1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces and set aside 1/3 for tempering the chocolate.
  2. Melt the remaining chocolate in the microwave every 30 seconds or over a bain marie until completely melted.
  3. Add the chocolate that you reserved and mix until it melts together with the already melted chocolate (spread a little on the lips and if it is at a pleasant temperature it is ready)
  4. Put the melted chocolate in the candy molds and tap on the table to remove the air, take it to the fridge for about 30 minutes or until completely firm.
  5. Develop carefully and that's it 😋 You can stuff your eggs with these pure chocolate bonbons 🍫

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