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Cassava cake with coconut

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Cassava cake with coconut


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Tempo de preparo

85 min(s)


10 servings

Andreza Barboza

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Crushed Cassava800 g
  • Margarine150 g
  • Sugar3 cup
  • Medium eggs4 unit(s)
  • Shredded Coconut1 unit(s)
  • Filtered water100 ml
  1. In a deep bowl, mix the margarine and 2 cups of sugar. When it's well incorporated, put the eggs and stir well, so the cake doesn't smell like an egg.
  2. When all the smell of the egg comes out, add the crushed cassava and grated coconut, giving preference to natural. The cassava was crushed in the processor, if you don't have it, you can use a grater, but it's more work. Incorporate the ingredients well.
  3. In a form of your preference, add a cup of sugar and wait for everything to melt. When a caramel-colored syrup forms, add the water little by little and wait for everything to dissolve again. I find it more practical to make the syrup, already in the cake form itself.
  4. After the syrup is ready, just pass it all over the mold. This process has to be done with it hot, so be careful and use gloves or dish towels. When the shape is all greased with the syrup, just carefully pour the cake dough. Bake in a medium oven (210-180 degrees) for about 40 to 50 minutes, depending on the oven.
  5. After the estimated time (40min) has passed, do the toothpick test. If the dough still has liquid, leave it in the oven for a little longer. The cake will be golden.
  6. Note: This cake does not take milk, as the cassava and the grated coconut are more moist, you will have no difficulty moving when it is incorporated into the sugar, margarine and eggs. But if you have difficulty, you can add a little coconut milk. It also doesn't take wheat flour and yeast. What will give the height of the cake is the amount of ingredients, already mentioned before. It is important to unmold the cake while it is still warm, because if you wait for it to cool, the syrup can harden and make it difficult to unmold.

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