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Carrot Cake with Brownies

Photo of the Carrot Cake with Brownies – recipe of Carrot Cake with Brownies on DeliRec
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Carrot Cake with Brownies


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


1 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Brownie INGREDIENTS<br>.<br>200 grams of finely chopped semisweet chocolate<br>100 grams of butter<br>4 eggs<br>1/2 cup of granulated sugar<br>1/2 cup of brown sugar tea<br>1/2 cup of powdered chocolate tea 50% cocoa<br>1/2 cup of wheat flour tea<br>.<br>Carrot cake<br>.<br >3 eggs<br>1 and 1/2 cup of granulated sugar<br>1/2 cup of oil<br>250 grams of chopped carrots<br>2 cups of wheat flour tea<br> 1 tablespoon of baking powder<br>.<br>Ganache<br>.<br>200 grams of chopped semisweet chocolate 1 box of heavy cream<br>.1 to taste
  1. brownie<br> .<br> Start by melting the chocolate together with the butter in a bain-marie, or every 30 seconds in the microwave. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well with a spatula before adding the next one. Keep adding the rest of the ingredients, always mixing between them so you don't accumulate too many items to mix at once. Pour the mixture into a 25 x 25 cm pan, greased and sprinkled with wheat flour and set aside.<br> .<br> carrot cake<br> .<br> Place all ingredients in a blender, except the flour and baking powder, then blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a bowl, add the flour gradually, sifting and mixing until homogenized. Finish with the yeast.<br> .<br> Pour the cake batter into the pan under the brownie batter carefully, very lightly so as not to mix. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC for approximately 45 minutes or until the toothpick test on the cake and it comes out clean and dry.<br> .<br> ganache<br> .<br> Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, or every 30 seconds in the microwave on medium-high power. Add the cream and mix until homogenized.<br> .<br> Assembly<br> .<br> With the cake baked and unmoulded, spread the ganache over it and let it drip a little on the sides. Decorate with chocolate shavings.

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