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Photo of the Caramel syrup – recipe of Caramel syrup on DeliRec
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Caramel syrup


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


5 servings

Otávio Lima

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Sugar1 cup
  • Water1/2 cup
  • Apple Cider Vinegar1 tablespoon
  • Water to taste
  1. This recipe I learned on the cyber Cook website. In the pan (off the heat), place the sugar, water and apple cider vinegar.
  2. Gently mix just to dissolve the sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat and do not stir anymore.
  3. In the meantime, put a kettle of water on high heat. When it boils, lower the heat completely, keep the water hot all the time of the preparation.
  4. When the edges of the sugar, water and vinegar mixture are caramelized, lift the pan gently and shake gently, without removing from the heat, just to caramelize the rest.
  5. When you see that it is the color you like, lower the heat and slowly add boiling water. Be careful at this time, it raises a vapor and can burn. Use glove.
  6. Let it boil to dissolve the sugar crystals that form at that time. Lift the pan and stir from side to side to see how fast the syrup moves. If it's fast, it's thin, if it's slow, it's thick. If it is thick, add more water and stir with the pan itself, let it boil again to dissolve the new sugar crystals.
  7. When it's how you like it, turn off the heat and use it. Your caramel sauce is ready.

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