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Briganinho with Nutella (Ninho milk brigadeiro with chocolate and hazelnut cream)

Photo of the Briganinho with Nutella (Ninho milk brigadeiro with chocolate and hazelnut cream) – recipe of Briganinho with Nutella (Ninho milk brigadeiro with chocolate and hazelnut cream) on DeliRec
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Briganinho with Nutella (Ninho milk brigadeiro with chocolate and hazelnut cream)


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


25 servings

Cíntia Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Condensed milk (1 can)395 ml
  • White chocolate chips or zest100 g
  • Nest Milk3 tablespoon
  • Fresh cream1 tablespoon
  • Butter1 tablespoon
  • Nutella (or another brand of hazelnut chocolate cream) to taste
  1. In a pan, add the condensed milk, butter, white chocolate and Ninho milk.
  2. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly. The chocolate must melt completely and the preparation must thicken to the point of curling (when it starts to unglue from the bottom of the pan).
  3. Remove from heat and pour into a buttered dish. Cover with plastic wrap or a clean cloth until lukewarm.
  4. Fill another plate with Ninho milk, enough to cover the briganinhos.
  5. Grease your hands with butter and use a teaspoon to scoop up the dough and make balls. Pass the powdered milk and put it in the molds.
  6. Place the Nutella in a piping bag fitted with a pitanga nozzle (star).
  7. Use the nozzle to open a hole in each ball and fill with Nutella, pulling at the exit to form the tip.

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