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Photo of the Brigadeiro – recipe of Brigadeiro on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


20 servings

Cíntia Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Condensed milk (1 can)395 ml
  • Butter1 dessert spoon
  • Chocolate powder3 tablespoon
  • Chocolate sprinkles to taste
  1. In a container, mix the chocolate powder with a little condensed milk and mix well, forming a "laminha", to dissolve well and not lump.
  2. Transfer to a pan and mix with the rest of the condensed milk.
  3. With a little butter, grease a plate and set aside.
  4. Add the butter to the pan and place over medium to low heat.
  5. Mixing all the time, cook for between 10 to 15 minutes until it reaches the point of curling (when it starts to release from the pan).
  6. Pour the hot brigadeiro on the greased plate and cover with plastic film (so it doesn't crystallize or harden while it cools).
  7. When it's warm (temperature that you can roll and don't burn your hand), pour the chocolate sprinkles on a second plate.
  8. Grease your hands with butter and use a coffee spoon to pick up the brigadeiro. Roll each one, pass the sprinkles and reserve in molds.
  9. Serve at room temperature. To preserve, store in the fridge in a jar with a lid for up to 3 days.
  10. Tip: the secret of a delicious brigadeiro is, mainly, in the powdered chocolate - use a good quality one, in the 50% variety or more.

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