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banoffee in the cup

Photo of the banoffee in the cup – recipe of banoffee in the cup on DeliRec
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banoffee in the cup


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


10 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • biscuit (milk or cornstarch)28 unit(s)
  • Butter100 g
  • Creamy dulce de leche (pot)400 g
  • Sour cream for the filling200 g
  • Creamy cream (Nestlé) for topping, chilled300 g
  • Sugar4 tablespoon
  • Small bananas or your preference6 unit(s)
  • Cinnamon or chocolate for sprinkling1 teaspoon
  1. Pasta: Grind the cookies in the pulse of the blender or processor. Filling: mix the dulce de leche with the cream and mix well. Coverage: beat the ice cream or cream and the 4 tablespoons (soup) of sugar, beat until firm (whipped cream point). Mounting: Make the layers, spoonfuls of cookie flour at the bottom of the bowl and on top of the dulce de leche and bananas, repeat; cookie flour, dulce de leche and bananas, repeat until finished, place the frosting on top and make peaks with a spoon and sprinkle cinnamon or chocolate on top. Serve cold.
  2. and add the melted butter and mix well. Arrange in a shape and take it to the oven for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven (until it's fluffy and smelling like baked cookies). Let cool. Filling: mix the dulce de leche with the cream and mix well.
  3. Roof: beat the ice cream or cream and the 4 tablespoons (soup) of sugar, beat until firm (whipped cream point).
  4. Mounting: Make the layers, spoonfuls of cookie flour at the bottom of the bowl and on top of the dulce de leche and bananas, repeat; cookie flour, dulce de leche and bananas, repeat until you finish with the bananas.
  5. Place the frosting on top and make peaks with the spoon and sprinkle with cinnamon or chocolate. Serve cold.

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