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Rice with Mushrooms

Photo of the Rice with Mushrooms – recipe of Rice with Mushrooms on DeliRec
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Rice with Mushrooms


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


20 servings

Felipe Malacrida

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Parabolized Rice3 cup
  • Dry Funghi60 g
  • Black Shimeji200 g
  • Mushrooms paris200 g
  • Red onion1 unit(s)
  • Garlic2 tablespoon
  • Water to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  1. Start by bringing water to a boil and add the dry funghi to hydrate for at least 20 minutes, this will create a nice broth to prepare the rice. Then just reserve the mushrooms to return at the end of the dish.
  2. Separate the stalks from the other mushrooms to add to the initial sauté, cutting very thinly. Now cut the paris mushrooms into thin strips and with the shimeji, just separate each petal from it.
  3. Meanwhile, with a skillet, start to sauté one type of mushroom at a time. Let it heat up well and before finishing, add a little of the broth to enjoy all the flavors released in the process. Once that's done, add it to the pan with rice, incorporate and move on to the next one.
  4. With the rice completely cooked, then just add the hydrated mushrooms that we started the recipe cut into smaller pieces, adjust the seasonings and serve.

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