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Traditional Italian agnoline

Photo of the Traditional Italian agnoline – recipe of Traditional Italian agnoline on DeliRec
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Traditional Italian agnoline


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


300 servings

Giuliano Scolari

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Flour500 g
  • Eggs4 unit(s)
  • Water0 ml
  • FILLING0 l
  • 1 finely chopped smoked salami or shredded chicken1 unit(s)
  • Breadcrumbs for stitching1 to taste
  • Half a glass of water at room temperature100 ml
  • Pinch of salt and pepper to taste1 to taste
  • Green seasoning to taste1 to taste
  • Grated cheese to taste100 to taste
  1. For the dough add the flour and eggs (same recipe as homemade pasta). The water is to set the point, not letting the dough get too hard. Ideally, you should spray slowly. Before squeezing, let it rest for 10 minutes. If you are going to use agnoline for another recipe, in the sauce, for example, add salt to the pasta.
  2. For the fear mix everything and give the point with the rose flour. The right point is when the mixture turns into a slightly hard and thick dough. Taste the salt, but be careful after all the salami and cheese are already salty. Reserve. Remember, it's your taste.
  3. Roll out the dough very thin and cut into small rectangles about 3 fingers long and 2 fingers wide.
  4. Make a small ball with the filling and place it in the center of the rectangles.
  5. Fold like a pastel and press.
  6. The handmade agnoline made in my region (central RS) has a special finish.
  7. Once closed (step 5), place your fingertip on the side of the fold and pull the opposite side, sticking the masses together and forming a small and strange ball. Repeat the process with all the others. Don't worry if they come out ugly, uneven and awkward, this fold is really confusing and takes practice.
  8. Let it dry in a mold and if possible put it in the sun for a few minutes. After that, it's just a traditional chicken soup.
  9. It can freeze for long periods.

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