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Creamy potato soup

Photo of the Creamy potato soup – recipe of Creamy potato soup on DeliRec
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Creamy potato soup


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Tempo de preparo

50 min(s)


8 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • large potato, peeled, cut into cubes4 unit(s)
  • Chopped medium onion1 unit(s)
  • Crushed garlic2 unit(s)
  • Water4 cup
  • Milk1 l
  • Butter2 tablespoon
  • Salt and pepper to taste to taste
  1. In a large pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic and sauté until soft and lightly browned.
  2. Add the cut potatoes and vegetable broth or water to the pan. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 20-25 minutes, or until potatoes are very tender.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and use a hand mixer to mash the potatoes until you obtain a creamy puree. If you prefer, you can transfer the soup to a
  5. soup to a blender and blend until smooth.
  6. Return the pan to the heat and add the milk, stirring well to combine.
  7. Cook for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally, until the soup is heated through. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
  8. Serve the creamy potato soup hot, garnished with chopped fresh parsley, if desired.

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