Tatah loaf pizza
•View in original language
1 hour(s)
10 servings
Talita Dos
@coisas_de_tatah33- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Loaf of Bread1 unit(s)
- Tomato sauce2 unit(s)
- grated cheese2 unit(s)
- Red onion1 unit(s)
- Oregano to taste
- Tomato1 to taste
- Salt to taste
- Place the breads in a square shape, cover with tomato sauce, place the tomatoes in slices, then place the red onion in slices, sprinkle salt on the tomato to taste, sprinkle the oregano to taste and finally cover with plenty of grated cheese.
- Place in a preheated oven at 160 degrees, always looking to not burn.
- After baking it cools down a little, just serve this excellent delicacy for a good afternoon snack.
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