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tapioca dadinho

Photo of the tapioca dadinho – recipe of tapioca dadinho on DeliRec
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tapioca dadinho


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


20 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Curd cheese250 g
  • Milk1/2 l
  • Salt1 to taste
  • 1 and 1/4 granulated tapioca1 cup
  • White pepper (optional)1 to taste
  1. Line a 20x25 baking sheet with unfilm paper and set aside.
  2. In a bowl (bowl) grate all the coalho cheese, add the tapioca seasoning with salt and black pepper (optional)
  3. With the milk boiled and still hot, mix in the bowl (bowl) and incorporate well! Mix slowly so you don't create "lumpy" balls, mix slowly... While still soft, pour it onto the baking sheet lined with insufilm and smooth over the top with a spoon. Put in the fridge for 3 hours
  4. After that time, turn this dough on a board, remove the plastic and cut into small cubes with the help of a knife without a saw (the ones with meat) and take it to the hot oil and fry until golden. Be careful because it burns fast! Keep an eye on it and remove as soon as it's golden, don't let the oil too hot
  5. Serve with pepper jelly, cane molasses or a jelly of your choice, it goes well with guava paste or honey.

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Recipe of tapioca dadinho on the DeliRec recipe website

tapioca dadinho

Recipe of Tapioca Dadinho on the DeliRec recipe website

Tapioca Dadinho

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