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Shortbread Biscuit with 4 ingredients

Photo of the Shortbread Biscuit with 4 ingredients – recipe of Shortbread Biscuit with 4 ingredients on DeliRec
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Shortbread Biscuit with 4 ingredients

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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


30 servings

Monique Terra

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat Flour1 cup
  • Cold butter8 tablespoon
  • Sugar or sweetener1/4 cup
  • Cinnamon Powder1 teaspoon
  1. Mix all the ingredients with your hands until you get a homogeneous dough without sticking to your hands and without crumbling. If necessary, adjust wheat flour or butter until the dough reaches the right point. Let it rest for 30 min in the fridge wrapped in plastic film.
  2. Debt the dough into 4, make rolls and cut into equal parts. Make balls, put them in the mold and with a fork flatten the cookies making the shape (but you can make it in the shape you prefer).
  3. Bake for approximately 20 min in the preheated oven at 180°C (the cookies will be golden brown underneath and finish baking after removing from the oven).

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