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sealed hot dog

Photo of the sealed hot dog – recipe of sealed hot dog on DeliRec
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sealed hot dog


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


12 servings

Andreia Camargo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • sausage1/2 kg
  • Tomato sauce2 unit(s)
  • Garlic and Onion1 to taste
  • Hot dog bun12 unit(s)
  • Bacon200 g
  • Lettuce1 to taste
  • Ham200 g
  • Mozzarella cheese300 g
  • Ketchup to taste
  • Mayonnaise1 to taste
  • Straw Potato1 to taste
  1. Make a tomato sauce with garlic and onion and add the sausages and cook until they increase in size if you prefer, cook the sausage in water first
  2. Fry the bacon in cubes
  3. Assemble the hot dog with ketchup mayonnaise ham cheese lettuce potato sticks and fried bacon
  4. Place mozzarella cheese in a non-stick skillet at the height and width of the hot dog and let it brown.
  5. When the cheese is golden, place the hot dog in the middle and wrap the entire snack with the cheese (you have to wrap the snack with the cheese)
  6. Keep turning until this cheese really sticks to the hot dog And serve!!!then

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