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Fit Frying Pan Bread

Photo of the Fit Frying Pan Bread – recipe of Fit Frying Pan Bread on DeliRec
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Fit Frying Pan Bread


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Tempo de preparo

2 min(s)


1 servings

Stefane Fajardo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Whole wheat flour1 tablespoon
  • Oat flour1 tablespoon
  • Filtered water1 dessert spoon
  • Apple Cider Vinegar1 teaspoon
  • Chemical Yeast1 teaspoon
  1. Mix all the dough ingredients with a fork or whisk. Heat a nonstick skillet. Pour the batter, cover and let it brown over low heat. Remove the lid, brown on both sides. Or microwave for 2 minutes or longer depending on microwave power. You can add the stuffing of your preference, if you want to open it in the middle and put it in the sandwich maker to finish! Stuffing suggestion: cheeses, tomato with oregano, 70% cocoa chocolate bar, banana with cinnamon, chopped strawberries. If you do, post and tag me on Instagram @stefy_nutrition!

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