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Photo of the Refreshing Tuna Ceviche – recipe of Refreshing Tuna Ceviche on DeliRec
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Refreshing Tuna Ceviche


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


4 servings

Ana Araujo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Fresh tuna fillet400 g
  • Red onion2 unit(s)
  • Radish1 unit(s)
  • Japanese cucumber1/2 unit(s)
  • Girl's Finger Pepper2 unit(s)
  • Coriander1 cup
  • Chives1/2 cup
  • Lemon3 unit(s)
  • Persian lime1/2 unit(s)
  • Coconut Milk1/2 cup
  • Fish broth1/2 cup
  • Salt to taste
  1. Cut the tuna into 1cm to 2cm cubes and set aside in a medium bowl. I already make it on the platter where I will serve (or keep)
  2. Cut the red onion into thin slices and add to the dish.
  3. Cut the radish, cucumber and chili pepper into very thin slices, whole or in half, you decide. Add everything to the platter with the tuna and onion.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and the Persian lime, and add it together with the coconut milk on the platter.
  5. As it is difficult to buy fish stock, I dissolve half a tablet of fish stock (or shrimp) well in some apple cider vinegar and add it to the dish. In that case, I use 1/4 cup.
  6. Mix all the ingredients gently and you're done!
  7. It goes well with a quick summer lunch 🌞 in Hell de Janeiro ☄️ or in your favorite summer city 🏖. If you want a fit option, serve with oven-roasted sweet potatoes and a salad.

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