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Cooking Octopus (Easy Recipe)

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Cooking Octopus (Easy Recipe)


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


1 servings

Wilson Nunes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Octopus1.2 kg
  • Carrot1 unit(s)
  • Onion1 unit(s)
  • Bay leaves3 unit(s)
  • Black pepper (grains)8 unit(s)
  • Tahiti lemon1 unit(s)
  • Coarse salt2 tablespoon
  1. Bring 3 to 4 liters of water to a boil. When it boils, add the coarse salt, the carrot chopped into medium slices, the onion (without the skin) chopped into 4 parts, the peppercorns and the bay leaves. Finally put the lemon juice and the peels (Don't forget to wash first).
  2. Take the octopus (with a fork) by the base of the tentacles and dip it in the broth for 3 seconds, then take it out and repeat the process 3 times before letting it cook. That's not sympathy. In fact, when you do this, it helps to keep the octopus' skin looking better.
  3. Leave for about 30 minutes on medium to low heat. It's usually 30 minutes (enough to get soft) that I calculate for every kilo of octopus. If the octopus is larger, leave it longer. Stick a knife in the thickest part of the tentacle and if it goes in easily it's because it's already soft enough.
  4. TIPS: When buying the octopus, preferably those that are greyish white. The ones that are already turning purple before going to the pot is because they are already a little old or frozen for a long time. I usually freeze the octopus before using it and then thaw it out to make it. This process helps to break down his fibers making him softer.

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Discover how to cook octopus, with chef Wilson Nunes

The recipe for octopus tentacles and many others are common in Brazilian cuisine, but the cooking process of this animal can be a cause for concern for many, who are looking for the perfect technique, preventing it from getting a “rubbery” look when it comes to cooking. savored. The perfect cooking tips above are authored by one of our talented chefs who share their creations on our DeliRec page: Wilson Nunes, who is a cook and partner in three restaurants. The recipes that he shares on his profile, in addition to being delicious, belong to the dishes on the menus of the restaurants where he practices his cooking and are also recipes that he prepares with great affection for his family. In addition to how to cook the octopus, you can check her profile for recipes for rib dumplings and chicken dumplings to eat while praying! Desserts are another specialty of the chef, who will teach you how to make a tapioca brulée and milk dulce panna cotta that you just can't eat. resist so perfect! If you like to cook, it will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new recipes, many of them with an uncomplicated preparation and that will earn praise in the kitchen.

Learn more about the origin of the octopus in cooking

When you think about octopus, recipes with this mollusk that lives in the seas have taken over the cuisine all over the world, as well as in Brazil, where the grilled octopus recipe and others are served in great restaurants. Galician octopus is another wonderful dish, well known in Spain.

Japan is one of the countries where the popularity of octopus has spread and a large number of dishes prepared here in Brazilian lands with it are of Japanese origin, such as sashimi, temaki and even sushi. Chinese foods also have the octopus as one of the stars and have been part of the cuisine for a good few years.

In Greece one of the specialties is to prepare the octopus directly on the coals, but it takes technique and wisdom to make it just right and tender. This mollusk has traveled all over the world and in each place it has its own ways of reaching the table at home, in restaurants and has been gaining adaptations. The fact is that octopus is a kind of majestic ingredient to compose dishes or be the main attraction.

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