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Photo of the Cod cake – recipe of Cod cake on DeliRec
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Cod cake

🇬🇧United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

View in original language


Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


12 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Shredded Cod300 g
  1. Cod dumplings 🐟 Fresh and flaky. Want to know how? I'll leave the tips I use for you to test or tell me if you already do it that way: TIPS ▪️ Onion and garlic must be added to previously sautéed dough. This prevents them from releasing water during frying. ▪️Add 1 or 2 snow whites to the cookie dough because it will make it lighter and dry. ▪️ Don't put too much wheat flour or potato. The dough is a little sticky and you can use two spoons to shape the dumplings. It's better than using your hands. ▪️ Don't put too many dumplings to fry at the same time. Keep the oil temperature medium. Without downloading too much or overheating. ▪️Drop WITHOUT absorbent paper! That's right: use a sieve and a bowl underneath. The air will circulate and keep the crunchiness throughout the cookie. 🌺 Did you like the tips? Now just apply! It goes for any cookie recipe.

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