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Photo of the MIREPOIX – recipe of MIREPOIX on DeliRec
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View in original language


Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


2 servings

Maíra Bagnariolli

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • * 2 chopped carrots * 1 cup (tea) of chopped celery stalks * 2 chopped onions * 8 cups (tea) of water * 2 tablespoons of butter0 to taste
  1. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter and sauté the carrot, celery, and onion for 5 minutes or until lightly browned. . Add the water, lower the heat and cook for 2 hours or until the water is reduced by half. . Allow to cool, strain and pour into ice cube trays. . Take it to the freezer for 6 hours, unmold, put in plastic bags, return to the freezer and use in your recipes. . It can be kept for up to 6 months in the freezer. . Don't throw away any leftover vegetables. Use them in beans or meat sauce that looks wonderful!!!

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