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Photo of the Lentil with Rice – recipe of Lentil with Rice on DeliRec
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Lentil with Rice


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


8 servings

Eliane viveiros

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Lentils2 cup
  • Rice2 cup
  • Olive oil1.1/2 cup
  • Large Onions3 unit(s)
  • Salt to taste
  1. Choose the lentils, place in a pan and cover with water.
  2. Bring to a boil and season with salt. (Don't let the lentil fall apart)
  3. Choose the rice, wash, cover with hot water and let it soak while the lentils cook.
  4. Cut the onions long and into small quarters like petals.
  5. Heat a cup of olive oil and brown all the onions.
  6. Then remove and pour half of this oil, with half of the onion over the almost cooked lentil.
  7. When the lentil is cooked, taste the salt, remove from the heat, strain the broth and reserve.
  8. Sauté the rice, after well drained in half a cup of olive oil.
  9. Add the lentil with the onion and add the broth in which the lentils were cooked, in the proportion of two cups of broth for each cup of rice (if necessary, top up with boiling water).
  10. Taste the salt again and let the rice cook over low heat without stirring. This rice is cooked, more moist than loose.
  11. When ready, arrange the platter and cover with the rest of the onion with olive oil.
  12. It is excellent to accompany meat on skewers or cafta, salads of beetroot, cucumber, tomato and lettuce.
  13. Enjoy your food!

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