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Photo of the Garlic Cream – recipe of Garlic Cream on DeliRec
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Garlic Cream


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


1 servings

Daniel Dias

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Garlic Head1 to taste
  • Olive oil1 dessert spoon
  • Salt, Pepper to taste
  • Egg, rosemary sprigs, 1/lemon juice and oil1 teaspoon
  1. Cut the garlic cap so you can see the cloves, season with oil, salt and pepper and place on a piece of aluminum foil along with a sprig of rosemary. Close like a bundle and take it to the preheated oven at 160°C for approximately 40 minutes. Remove carefully, wait for it to cool and discard the peels, put it in the blender and add egg, lemon, salt and pepper, beat these ingredients first, lower the speed of the blender and start to put the vegetable oil and in wires until you get the point. When you notice that it is consistent, turn it off and put it in a pot and take it to freeze until serving time.

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