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Drink Passion Fruit

Photo of the Drink Passion Fruit – recipe of Drink Passion Fruit on DeliRec
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Drink Passion Fruit


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Tempo de preparo

2 min(s)


1 servings

Carlos Araújo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Passion Fruit, Lime, Big Apple Rum, Green Apple Syrup and Passion Fruit Popsicle to taste
  1. Eiiiiiiiiiita new recipe from JC drinks, Drink Passion Fruit a perfect combination of flavors Ingredients 1 lemon cut into cubes 2 spoon of sugar 2 spoons of passion fruit pulp 50ml of green apple syrup @moninbrasil 60ml Big Apple Rum @bacardibrasil 100ml of tonic @tonicaantarctica Passion fruit ice cream @oggisorvetesabeltavares And your Passion Fruit Drink is ready, drink it in moderation and share it with your friends #maracuja #limao #oggi #ice cream #bacardi #monin #moninbrasil #jcdrinksoficial #tonica #aguatonica #facavocemesmo #natal #vilamaria Call now and make your budget let's make your party with more color, flavor and magic Also follow us on social media Facebook / JC drinks Tik Tok / JC drinks official Youtube / JC drinks testing flavors https://youtube.com/channel/UCMuVlcXrSqCXCHdljzvq8AA Official Instagram / JC Drinks Contact for budget events and partnership (11)988179270

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