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Photo of the HOTEL EGG – recipe of HOTEL EGG on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

3 min(s)


1 servings

Anne Benevides

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Butter EggSaltPepperOreganoParmesan Cheese Milk Sour Cream to taste
  1. Put on some nice music. Then, in a frying pan with the melted butter, place an egg (or the amount you usually consume) previously beaten (yolk and white), mix with the butter and stir. Remember to keep the heat low. Next, add a medium spoon of cottage cheese and the same amount of cream, put Parmesan cheese, two spoons of milk, pinches to taste of oregano and black pepper. Stir until everything is smooth and creamy. Ready. You will have a delicious hotel egg. 🥚🍳🧈❤

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