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homemade burger

Photo of the homemade burger – recipe of homemade burger on DeliRec
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homemade burger


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


6 servings

Raphael Liberatore

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • flank steak250 g
  • Beef breast250 g
  • Aceh250 g
  • Breast Fat250 g
  • Hamburger bun6 unit(s)
  • Tomato1 unit(s)
  • Lettuce1 unit(s)
  • Shitake100 g
  • Red Onion2 unit(s)
  • Bacon50 g
  • Sugar2 tablespoon
  • Shoyo1 to taste
  • Sliced Cheddar1 to taste
  1. Ask the butcher to grind the separate cuts, then put them together and ask them to grind them again to make a better alloy.
  2. Shape the hamburgers into 160g balls and then knead them gently to get the shape you want
  3. Let it rest in the fridge while you prepare the rest of the side dishes.
  4. For the caramelized onion, sauté the two onions in olive oil over low heat, let it wilt and add two tablespoons of sugar and stir to caramelize, then add the soy sauce and stir over low heat until it caramelizes and gets the consistency you want and Reserve
  5. Sauté the shitake in butter and olive oil, always over low heat, with soy sauce and let it wither until it reaches the desired texture
  6. Prepare sliced tomatoes and lettuce to accompany your burger
  7. Slice the bacon into thin strips and fry without oil and without oil, only in its own fat
  8. Only then salt the burger and fry in olive oil. The preparation time will depend on the point you want, to the point for bad I leave 5 minutes on each side, and when I turn to fry the second side, I add the cheese and cover the skillet to melt the cheese.
  9. Then just assemble your sandwich

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