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Pork in the fryer and chickpea salad

Photo of the Pork in the fryer and chickpea salad – recipe of Pork in the fryer and chickpea salad on DeliRec
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Pork in the fryer and chickpea salad

🇩🇴Dominican Republic

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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


1 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Chickpeas1/2 pound
  • Onion1 unit(s)
  • Tomato1 unit(s)
  • Diced pork2 pound
  • Salt1 coffee spoon
  • Garlic1 tablespoon
  • Oregano1 tablespoon
  • paprika1 coffee spoon
  • Vegetable seasoning1 tablespoon
  • Curry1 coffee spoon
  • Cilantro1 tablespoon
  • Lemon1 unit(s)
  • Olive oil1 tablespoon
  1. Pour all the seasonings onto the meat The vegetable seasoning Garlic paprika the curry Oregano And then Put the air fryer at 370 degrees 60 minutes and pour the already seasoned meat Then in a pot with boiling water place the chickpeas if they are raw Once they are soft, proceed to chop the onion, tomato and cilantro You put it in a bucket and combine all the ingredients with the chickpea already cooked You add the lemon juice, the salt and then to finish the olive oil together all the ingredients stir until they are integrated then remove the meat from the air fryer and serve as you like

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