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Roast chicken with potatoes

Photo of the Roast chicken with potatoes – recipe of Roast chicken with potatoes on DeliRec
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Roast chicken with potatoes

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Tempo de preparo

240 min(s)


5 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Whole chicken1 unit(s)
  • Potato balls20 unit(s)
  • Butter3 tablespoon
  • Rosemary1 tablespoon
  • Thyme1 tablespoon
  • Paprika to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Primenta do Reino to taste
  • Minced garlic3 unit(s)
  • Boiling water2 l
  1. Leave the butter at the point of ointment.
  2. Mix the garlic, rosemary and thyme into the butter.
  3. Lightly pull the chicken skin and place the seasoned butter between it and the meat, spreading it with your hand as if massaging the bird.
  4. Spread the rest of the butter over the chicken, leaving it well coated.
  5. Add salt, black pepper and paprika to both the outside and inside of the chicken.
  6. Let it rest for 1 hour.
  7. Cook the unpeeled potatoes in boiling salted water, poking them when they are soft so that the salt penetrates. Don't let it soften too much.
  8. Place the chicken in a large roasting pan.
  9. Arrange the potatoes around the chicken.
  10. Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 45 minutes.
  11. Increase the oven to maximum temperature until browned.
  12. The butter and fat from the chicken will drain and season the potatoes even more.
  13. Serve with rice and offal farofa (recipes already published).

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