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Photo of the Chicken Soup – recipe of Chicken Soup on DeliRec
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Chicken Soup


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


6 servings

Adriele Aquino

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Boneless Thighs4 unit(s)
  • Sliced pepperoni1 unit(s)
  • Tuscan sausage without skin1 unit(s)
  • Bacon1 unit(s)
  • Raw rice1 cup
  • Tomato2 unit(s)
  • Water1000 ml
  • Saffron1 teaspoon
  • Pepperoni Pepper1 teaspoon
  • Homemade seasoning1 tablespoon
  1. In a pressure cooker, add a little oil, bacon, pepperoni, skinless Tuscan sausage, seasoning and fry, then add the thighs and wait for them to brown a little. After putting water in the pan to cover the ingredients and take it to the fire for 25 minutes counted after the pan gets pressure. After the 25 minutes have passed, turn off the pan remove the thighs from the pan and shred, you don't need to shred too much, put it back in the pan and add 1 cup of raw rice, chopped tomatoes and saffron and pepperoni. Return to the fire for another 4 minutes after the cooker gets pressure. After that it's ready now just serve yourself 😋 if you want you can add green smell on top that looks top.

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