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Pie Chicken In Creamy

Photo of the Pie Chicken In Creamy – recipe of Pie Chicken In Creamy on DeliRec
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Pie Chicken In Creamy


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


8 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs3 unit(s)
  • Oil1/2 cup
  • Wheat flour2 cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Baking powder1 tablespoon
  • Shredded chicken800 g
  • Mayonnaise1 tablespoon
  • Sour cream1 can(s)
  • Cream cheese2 tablespoon
  • Olives without pith8 unit(s)
  • Corn1/2 can(s)
  • shredded cheese to taste
  1. Think of a creamy chicken pie, that's it! 😋 Do it because it's super EASY. PASTA: 3 eggs 1/2 cup of oil 2 cups of milk 2 cups of wheat flour pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking soup Beat everything in the blender and the yeast put it last mixing with a spoon. Filling: 800g shredded chicken seasoning to taste, I used smoked paprika, saffron, ground pepper, oregano, chives and parsley, pepperoni. then add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise 1 box of sour cream 2 spoons of cottage cheese 8 chopped olives 1/2 can of corn shredded cheese Make the sauce and set aside (I like to leave it more humid so the pie doesn't get dry). In a refractory greased with oil and infarinhada, place half the dough, place the chicken, cover with mozzarella and then add a pot of cottage cheese. Put the rest of the dough and take it to a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 min or until golden. I put a little oregano on top but it's optional, it's delicious. 😋

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