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Yeast Sponge for Bread Doughs

Photo of the Yeast Sponge for Bread Doughs – recipe of Yeast Sponge for Bread Doughs on DeliRec
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Yeast Sponge for Bread Doughs


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


1 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Warm water1 cup
  • Quality wheat flour1/2 cup
  • Sugar1 tablespoon
  • Yeast - qty requested in the bread recipe.1 unit(s)
  1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well until it forms a thick paste. Let it rest for about 15 minutes until doubled. * On cold days it may take longer to grow, on hot days it grows quickly. The right point of the sponge is when the dough is all fluffy, full of holes like the photo above. Then add this sponge to the bread recipe for kneading. Why should we make the sponge? There is a more technical explanation, but basically we can say that the yeast is live and it is not advisable to hit the blender. After I started making the sponge, my breads became lighter. Note The yeast used is organic dry yeast or a mixture of it with Levain. The quality flour I use is Venturelli.

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