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Spaghetti Cacio and Pepe

Photo of the Spaghetti Cacio and Pepe – recipe of Spaghetti Cacio and Pepe on DeliRec
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Spaghetti Cacio and Pepe


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


4 servings

Fábio Benedetti

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Excellent quality spaghetti400 g
  • Pecorino Romano cheese240 g
  • Black Pepper (freshly ground) to taste
  1. Boil a pan with water and salt to cook the pasta. Meanwhile, grind 2 tablespoons of black pepper and finely grate the cheese. Leave the ingredients aside, to use in the recipe
  2. Put the pasta on to cook, and let it cook for half the time indicated on the package. You will finish cooking in the skillet
  3. In a frying pan, place the pepper over medium heat and let it toast for approximately 1 minute, without letting it burn. Add 1 ladle of the pasta cooking water to the skillet and mix with the pepper.
  4. Halfway through the pasta cooking time, place the pasta in the skillet, as it will finish cooking there. Mix with the help of tongs and add pasta cooking water to the skillet as needed. The secret is to drop starch in the pasta pan with this water, which must be in a small amount but always present
  5. While the pasta is cooking in the pan, add some of the cooking water to the grated cheese and mix well with a fork, forming a cream.
  6. When the pasta is al dente, remove the skillet from the heat, and add the cream cheese, mixing with the pasta with the help of tongs. This movement should create a cream that is the secret of the recipe. Place the dough on a plate to serve, put an amount of cream on top and grate more black pepper to taste!

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