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Sourdough bread

Photo of the Sourdough bread – recipe of Sourdough bread on DeliRec
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Sourdough bread


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


20 servings

Caluana Eberhardt

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour 1 kilo / 2 medium cups /. margarine 2 tbsp / regular. eggs. two/. 1 teaspoon salt / normal level chemical yeast 1 and a half teaspoons / warm water2 unit(s)
  1. Put 1 kilo of wheat flour in a bowl 2/ whole eggs 2 /spoon margarine 1/tablespoon of salt 2 cups of sugar Warm water and mix everything And the dough is not going to be hard and not too soft. Sofa for about 20 minutes and then let the dough rest until it starts to rise. Then divide the dough into two parts and pass it through the cylinder until the dough is smooth. And roll the dough to put it in the shape Bake at 200 degrees and 35 minutes if the shape is thin, it can be at 180 degrees..

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