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Risolle drumstick

Photo of the Risolle drumstick – recipe of Risolle drumstick on DeliRec
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Risolle drumstick


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Tempo de preparo

1 min(s)


1 servings

Eeeh_aah_tal_da surtada

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1l of hot water1 l
  • 6 chicken broth tablets6 unit(s)
  • 1/2 cup of oil1/2 teaspoon
  • 4 cloves of crushed garlic4 unit(s)
  • 700 grams of wheat flour for breading700 g
  • 500 ml of milk500 ml
  • Wheat flour1 cup
  • Breadcrumbs1 cup
  • Salt1 tablespoon
  1. In the pan, put the oil and garlic to toast After toasting, add the hot water dissolved with the broth of your choice and then add the wheat flour.
  2. Let it cook, stirring until it comes away from the bottom of the pan.
  3. Book and let cool
  4. Make the snacks to your liking. To bread:
  5. Pass the salted in the wheat flour seasoned with salt.
  6. Then put the salted in the milk, remove and in the breadcrumbs.
  7. Then put the salted in the milk, remove and in the breadcrumbs

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