swamped cow
•View in original language
1 hour(s)
8 servings
Vânia Mesquita
@casinhacomcafe- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Beef Ribs1 kg
- Onion and garlic to taste
- Olive oil to taste
- Salt to taste
- Tomato2 unit(s)
- Cumin to taste
- Cassava500 g
- Parsley and chives to taste
- Water1 l
- In the pressure cooker, place the ribs and sauté in the olive oil with onion and garlic and chopped tomato.
- Let them sear, then add the salt and cumin.
- Add the water and put pressure in the pan, until the bone is cooked.
- While the cassavas must be cooked, reserve the
- When they are cooked, transfer to a container and remove the bones that have come loose, reserve the broth in another pan and add the manioc.
- When you remove the bones from the ribs, place them inside this pan with the cassava and let the broth get slightly thick, finish with parsley and chives.
- Serve with white rice
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swamped cow