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Rib with pepperoni

Photo of the Rib with pepperoni – recipe of Rib with pepperoni on DeliRec
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Rib with pepperoni


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

50 min(s)


15 servings

Marilene Oliveira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Kilo of Beef Ribs1 kg
  • Coarse pepperoni1 unit(s)
  • White Onions3 unit(s)
  • Red Onions3 unit(s)
  • Ana Maria Braga Seasoning1 tablespoon
  • Edu Guedes Seasoning1 tablespoon
  • Garlic Cloves3 unit(s)
  • Cilantro (you can use your favorite seasoning).0 to taste
  • Color2 tablespoon
  1. Onion Ribs: Cut the rib, and cut the pepperoni into slices.
  2. Take a red and a white onion, crush it together with the something and saute it with two tablespoons of oil, then add the other seasonings and stir, put the meat and pepperoni and stir again to unite everything. Then cut the other onions into slices and put it inside the meat, when it boils, put a cup of water and put the pressure, let it cook over medium heat.
  3. Remove the pressure and stir the meat every 15 minutes, as it will only be cooked with a cup of water and the onion water, stirring is always important not to burn. Note: if you prefer, you can put cassava when it is close to being ready.

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