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Oven roasted rib with pepperoni

Photo of the Oven roasted rib with pepperoni – recipe of Oven roasted rib with pepperoni on DeliRec
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Oven roasted rib with pepperoni


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Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


10 servings

Danilo Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Rib1 kg
  • Pepperoni500 kg
  • Shoyu1 to taste
  • Red onion1 unit(s)
  • Oregano1 tablespoon
  • Oil1 tablespoon
  • Pepper and cumin1 to taste
  • Green pepper1 unit(s)
  1. Put a thread of oil in the glass refractory, put the meat inside, season with shoyu, pepper and cumin, salt to your taste, because the shoyu has a little salt
  2. In a pan, take the pepperoni scald so that they are firmer, wash them in running water with a little vinegar, then join in the refractory with the meat, put the peppers and onion cut in slices on top, then cover with aluminum foil. and bake for 1 hour, then remove the paper and let it brown, it is very tasty.

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