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Juicy roast loin with potatoes and carrots

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Juicy roast loin with potatoes and carrots


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Tempo de preparo

1 day(s)


15 servings

Tuane Viana

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Sirloin piece piece1.5 kg
  • Onion1 unit(s)
  • Season1 unit(s)
  • Garlic4 unit(s)
  • Oil1 cup
  • Oranges5 unit(s)
  • Water1/5 l
  • Salt1 tablespoon
  • Green smell1 to taste
  • Oregano1 tablespoon
  1. Take the loin piece and make holes with the knife and set aside
  2. In the blender, put the water, oil, onion, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, oregano, juice from the 5 oranges, seasoning, green smell and beat everything for 3 min.
  3. Take the loin and put it inside a transparent bag, pour all that liquid on top, close the bag and let it marinate in the fridge overnight
  4. Preheat the oven and put the loin to roast with half of the broth and reserve the other half, put the potatoes and carrots already chopped and seasoned to roast together cover with aluminum foil
  5. After about 2 hours in the oven, remove the aluminum foil from the potatoes and carrots and let the loin brown, use the other part of the broth to water the loin
  6. After roasting, serve already in slices on the platter along with the potatoes and carrots, it is super juicy and soft

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