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Fluffy corn couscous stuffed with smoked pepperoni and cheese

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Fluffy corn couscous stuffed with smoked pepperoni and cheese


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


2 servings

Lili Almeida

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Corn Flake2 cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Filtered water7 tablespoon
  • Onion to taste
  • Smoked pepperoni1/2 unit(s)
  • Butter1 dessert spoon
  • Minced Girl's Finger Pepper to taste
  1. In a container, season the flakes with salt and sugar and gradually add water, pressing with a spoon or with your hand until all the water is absorbed by the flakes and turns into a moist but light and loose mass.
  2. Let it rest for 15 minutes to hydrate
  3. While the “dough” hydrates, in a skillet sauté the onion in butter, add the grated or diced pepperoni and sauté until you feel the aromas. Finish with a girl's finger pepper cut into very small cubes.
  4. In the couscous pan already with water, place half of the hydrated flocão on the central piece, forming a layer. Then add the pepperoni stuffing and cover with slices of cheese forming another layer, and on top place the rest of the flake. Cover and cook for +- 20 minutes, or until the smell spreads throughout the house.
  5. Carefully pass the knife along the sides. Using the handle on the center piece of the couscous pan, remove the finished couscous from the pan and place it on a plate to serve.
  6. This same dough can be filled with dried meat, plantain, curd cheese or whatever your taste buds like best. Accompanied by fried egg is also delicious.

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