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Fillet steak with cauliflower mousseline, sautéed hearts of palm and garlic broccoli.

Photo of the Fillet steak with cauliflower mousseline, sautéed hearts of palm and garlic broccoli. – recipe of Fillet steak with cauliflower mousseline, sautéed hearts of palm and garlic broccoli. on DeliRec
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Fillet steak with cauliflower mousseline, sautéed hearts of palm and garlic broccoli.


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


2 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 2 clean fillet steaks400 g
  • Olive oil20 ml
  • Cauliflower350 g
  • National Broccoli120 g
  • grated garlic20 g
  • Sunflower oil100 ml
  • Fresh pupunha heart of palm100 g
  • Olive oil10 ml
  1. Cook the broccoli quickly in boiling water. Remove and place in cold water. Reserve. Fry the grated garlic in sunflower oil over low heat. Strain and reserve.
  2. Place the cauliflower in a sealed bag and microwave for 7 minutes. Take it out and put it in the blender with salt. Beat until smooth. Reserve.
  3. Grill the hearts of palm in sticks in the oil over medium heat. Reserve
  4. Grill the fillet until it gets to the desired point in a non-stick skillet preferably.
  5. Serve the fillet with the broccoli passed in the oil quickly and garlic on top, hearts of palm and the puree.

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