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Photo of the Dried meat – recipe of Dried meat on DeliRec
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Dried meat


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Tempo de preparo

5 day(s)


5 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Beef Palette1 kg
  • Fine Salt1 kg
  1. Sprinkle fine salt all over the meat, much more salt. Place in a plastic container (it cannot be stainless steel because the salt will stain) and close with plastic wrap. No need to put it in the fridge. Leave for 2 days. You will see that it will start to fill with water as it will be dehydrating. Drain the water and salt again. At this point, you have 2 options to complete: Put it in the sun 🌞 for 2 days (pass a lot of salt on all sides because of mosquitoes, if you want you can cover it with a dish towel or screen). Make a hole with a knife and tie with string. Another option is to leave it in the same plastic container for 3 days, change the salt on the second day) and the result is the same.

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