chicken with noodles
•View in original language
20 min(s)
1 servings
Receitas Fit
@receitasfitsaudaveis- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Chicken, garlic, pasta, wheat flour and breadcrumbs, vinegar and an egg1 unit(s)
- Chicken3 unit(s)
- Add the pasta to a pan (amount of your choice) and add water until the pasta is completely covered.
- Check if the noodles are soft after 5 min
- Discard all the water and run cold water on the pasta so it doesn't stick together.
- In another container two cloves of garlic and add the pasta adding salt to taste
- Now take the chicken and let it soak for 5 min with vinegar
- Wash the chicken and season with garlic and seasonings of your choice.
- Separate three containers (one with egg, one with wheat flour and the other with breadcrumbs)
- Dip the chicken in the egg and then in the wheat frarinha. Dip again in egg and then in breadcrumbs.
- fry the chicken
- Now just serve yourself and enjoy
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